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6095836If you enjoyed last month’s trip down Tuscaloosa’s memory lane, it might have gotten you thinking about what you were doing in the 1960s and 70s, the movies you saw, the restaurants you ate at, the people you were with. We promised you a few fun tips for how you can revisit moments in your past and even record them for yourself, loved ones, or posterity.

Reminisce with friends or get a group together to visit your old stomping grounds. If several of your acquaintances or neighbors recognized some of the historic Tuscaloosa sites we mentioned in last month’s blog you might want to go and visit them with others who spent time there. Who knows who else might have seen Elvis at the Memorial Coliseum that night in 1975 or given birth at the same local hospital? It could be fun to find out what everyone’s stories are.

If seeing the photos of Tuscaloosa and a little history about them jogged your memory, you might be suddenly brimming with stories you want to share. There are many excellent books and websites with tips for life writing. How to Write Your Own Life Story: The Classic Guide for the Nonprofessional Writer by Lois Daniel. If you think a little outside advice would add structure to your project, check it out of your local library, find it at a used bookstore like Tuscaloosa’s The Book Rack, or order it online.

You might also try scrapbooking, making an audio recording of your memories, digitizing your photos to share in print albums with friends and family, or preserving old letters in album form. You have such a rich treasure trove of experiences it would be a shame not to make your reminiscences as easy to access as possible so you can revisit them whenever you like.

All these activities are a great way to share your stories with friends and family, who may be eager to hear about the many things you’ve seen and done and get to know you better by hearing about your past. We hope you have a great time walking down your own memory lane!