The best time to bring up the topic of Assisted Living is before you need it.
An aging parent may react defensively if their grown children push too hard too early for them to downsize or relocate, so experts in elder care say families should put the conversation in terms of wanting to know a game-plan for their later years while they are still healthy and able to live independently.
Such timing avoids the tensions that can erupt when emotions are running high. Acting as if the decision has already been made is not wise. Ultimately, the Tuscaloosa senior’s happiness depends on deciding the best choice among alternatives. The seed is planted and recalled whenever the senior forgets to pay an important bill or experiences a medical issue.
Moving a parent or parents into an assisted living community may be the right choice – especially if the family has concerns about falls, accidents or lapses in memory – but that doesn’t necessarily make it an easy talk to have. It is important to focus on the bottom line: making sure mom and/or dad are well taken care of later in life.
If you are the senior, you know that moving at any age can be stressful and scary but particularly when leaving a home filled with memories. Remember that loved ones want your future experiences to be positive and fulfilling.
When making the case for transitioning to an Assisted Living community, family should remember the saying, “Show, Don’t Tell.” In other words, researching Regency Retirement Village of Tuscaloosa is reassuring to seniors once they see how dedicated we are to providing an exceptional retirement living experience in which they have opportunities to be active and social. The elder feels better knowing they are gaining a secure, enjoyable and affordable existence.
Assisted Living can help with the activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, and supervision of medications. These services are delivered by a caring, compassionate staff member while respecting the resident’s right to privacy.
To arrange a tour of our retirement community at Regency of Tuscaloosa, call (205) 752-5500. We can introduce you to residents who are already enjoying our caring staff and services. We’ll tell you how our team can meet and exceed the specific needs that you or your family has. With the proper information and resources, we’ll help guide you in your decision making process.