Mike McKay was born in Harrisburg, PA to Laird and Elizabeth McKay. He has two siblings: Marian Rosato and John McKay. Although Mike attended New Providence High School in New Jersey, he graduated from Berry High School in Birmingham. Mike was a co-owner of Charlemagne Record Exchange in Birmingham Southside. It was a very popular family-owned record store from 1977 to 2020. Mike was a key person in the store’s daily operation for many years. His hobbies are collecting baseball cards and collecting vinyl records (including blues, jazz, country and Rock ‘n Roll). Mike loves to play a tabletop baseball simulation game called APBA. He follows the Atlanta Braves and the Baltimore Orioles. He roots for Alabama football in college and he has been a lifetime fan of the Detroit Lions in the NFL. Mike loves Jesus very much and has served the Lord for years by having a card ministry at his church, All Saints Episcopal, in Homewood, AL. His cards of encouragement, on which he wrote scriptures and encouraging notes, were a real blessing to people who needed to be reminded that God’s love is real.